We need your help to assist us in a “Citizens’ Science” exercise to try and establish the reasons why House Martins across Devon are in serious decline
House martins are declining in Devon by nearly 50% in breeding tetrads as evidenced by a reduction shown in the 2007-13 Devon Bird Atlas when compared to the Atlas for the 1977-85 period This decline is consistent with the national picture described by the RSPB which quotes a 47% reduction in house martin numbers between 1970 and 2014 . They currently have “amber” status.
To try and track the ongoing situation for these birds across the county, Devon Birds has initiated a campaign to raise awareness within local communities together with a website to facilitate the collection of data to follow the spread and progress of these birds over a period of years.
Our easy guide to help you tell the difference between a house martin, a swallow and a swift.
The house martin is a bird of myth and mystery. Find out about what we know – and what we’ve yet to discover.
It’s true, house martins can make a bit of a mess! Here are some tips to make it less of a problem.